Tutorial 4 (Deflation)

Tutorial: Computing several solutions with deflation


Several algorithms for NEPs compute one solution to the NEP given a starting value. In many applications several solutions are of interest. Let us first consider the trivial partial "work-around": You can try to run an algorithm which computes one eigenvalue twice with different starting values, e.g., quasinewton as in this example:

julia> using NonlinearEigenproblems
julia> nep=nep_gallery("dep0",4);
julia> (λ1,v1)=quasinewton(nep,λ=0,v=ones(size(nep,1)),maxit=500)
(-0.2094378352960786 + 0.0im, Complex{Float64}[2.2479093650910866 + 0.0im, 3.208352895087154 + 0.0im, 0.6628450056308428 + 0.0im, 17.946407917249605 + 0.0im])
julia> (λ2,v2)=quasinewton(nep,λ=1,v=ones(size(nep,1)),maxit=500)
(0.2966714721676867 + 0.0im, Complex{Float64}[-0.8369951877176647 + 0.0im, -5.749143077718012 + 0.0im, 5.720770822961643 + 0.0im, 10.495353352793199 + 0.0im])

This simple approach often suffers from the problem called reconvergence (we obtain the same solution again) or solutions of interest may be missed. In this case we get reconvergence when we use starting value -1:

julia> (λ3,v3)=quasinewton(nep,λ=-1,v=ones(size(nep,1)),maxit=500)
(-0.20943783529618362 + 0.0im, Complex{Float64}[-0.6110572600894503 + 0.0im, -0.8721380674494782 + 0.0im, -0.18018353377334895 + 0.0im, -4.878436391013284 + 0.0im])

Note that applying the algorithm with starting values λ=0 and λ=-1 lead to the same solution. Other solution methods do not suffer from this, e.g., block Newton method, the infinite Arnoldi method and nleigs since they compute several solutions at once. Another attempt to remedy reconvergence is to use the technique called deflation. See also the manual page on deflation.

Deflation in NEP-PACK

The term deflation is referring to making something smaller (in the sense of opposite of inflating a balloon). In this case we can make the solution set smaller. We compute a solution and subsequently construct a deflated problem, which has the same solutions as the original problem except of the solution we have already computed.

A general solver independent deflation technique is available in NEP-PACK based on increasing the problem size. (There are also NEP-solver deflation techniques incoprorated in, e.g., in the nonlinear Arnoldi method and the Jacobi-Davidson method.) The solver independent technique is inspired by what is described in the PhD thesis of Cedric Effenberger.

In NEP-PACK, this type of deflation is implemented in the function deflate_eigpair, which takes a NEP and an eigenpair as input and returns a new NEP.

julia> # Construct a deflated NEP where we remove (λ1,v1)
julia> dnep=deflate_eigpair(nep,λ1,v1);
julia> # The dnep is a new NEP but with dimension increased by one
julia> size(nep)
(4, 4)
julia> size(dnep)
(5, 5)

We now illustrate that we can avoid reconvergence:

julia> (λ4,v4)=quasinewton(dnep,λ=-1,v=ones(size(dnep,1)),maxit=500)
(0.29667147216767376 + 0.0im, Complex{Float64}[-11.767671406737819 + 0.0im, -43.86197116968253 + 0.0im, 31.9938464980679 + 0.0im, 8.133682253178579 + 0.0im, -28.114795306465478 + 0.0im])

Note: In contrast to the initial example, starting value λ=-1 does not lead to converge to the eigenvalue we obtained from starting value λ=0.

The computed solution is indeed a solution to the original NEP since $M(λ4)$ is singular:

julia> minimum(svdvals(compute_Mder(nep,λ4)))

In fact, you can even start with the first starting value λ=0, and get a new solution

julia> quasinewton(dnep,λ=0,v=ones(size(dnep,1)),maxit=500)
(-1.3640414062700734 + 0.0im, Complex{Float64}[-1.0976664883572566e307 + 0.0im, -2.8870394809137054e307 + 0.0im, 2.1189933442957902e307 + 0.0im, 5.753536946292879e306 + 0.0im, -1.9207807191677339e307 + 0.0im])

Repeated deflation

The above procedure can be repeated by calling deflate_eigpair on the deflated NEP. This effectively deflates another eigenpair (but without creating a recursive deflated nep structure).

function multiple_deflation(nep,λ0,p)
   for k=1:p
      # Compute one solution of the deflated problem
      # expand the invariant pair
   return get_deflated_eigpairs(dnep);

We can now compute several solutions by calling multiple_deflation. Note that we use the same starting guess, 1im, for all eigenvalues.

julia> (Λ,VV)=multiple_deflation(nep,1im,3)
(Complex{Float64}[-0.20943783529608836 - 1.1876898672667347e-13im, 0.09916136114196937 + 1.5040449444406283im, 0.2966714721675515 - 1.1055942412512364e-13im], Complex{Float64}[0.08606692232135099 - 0.0868831949158175im -0.33250443251734496 + 0.6897411986346054im -0.04563655283979674 + 0.04339934493508566im; 0.12283994350000517 - 0.12400497736757769im 0.2101087999777705 - 0.18967830722177997im -0.31346783792781846 + 0.29810092957798906im; 0.025378705430330793 - 0.02561940117237799im 0.41435154273390934 + 0.36869913908327107im 0.31192086140711456 - 0.2966297893745159im; 0.6871238316577664 - 0.6936406250750684im -0.15130500943732544 - 0.05527070830243071im 0.5722514954516473 - 0.5441984219948924im])

The values in Λ and VV are eigenpairs:

julia> norm(compute_Mlincomb(nep,Λ[1],VV[:,1]))
julia> norm(compute_Mlincomb(nep,Λ[2],VV[:,2]))
julia> norm(compute_Mlincomb(nep,Λ[3],VV[:,3]))

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