Tutorial 11 (Linear solvers)

Tutorial: Specifying linear solvers

Many of the NEP-solvers are based on solving linear systems of the type


In some methods the linear system matrices are the same, i.e., $λ$ does not change. You can specify which numerical methods should be used to solve the linear system when you call a NEP-solver. This tutorial illustrates this functionality, and finally shows how you can specify your own method for linear systems.

Built-in linear solvers

The linear solver is specified with the linsolvercreator keyword argument in most NEP-solvers. Let us contruct an example which we will solve with several methods. The matrix $M(λ)$ is sparse, and the nonlinearity is an exponential term:

using NonlinearEigenproblems, SparseArrays, LinearAlgebra;
nep= SPMF_NEP([A,B,C],[s->one(s),s->s,s->exp(s)],align_sparsity_patterns=true);
λ0=-1.3; # Starting guess

Let us first solve it with the resinv method, using the default solver for the linear system:

julia> (λ,x)=resinv(nep,λ=λ0,v=ones(n),logger=1,tol=1e-16);
Precomputing linsolver
iter 1 err:0.0066371687626530325 λ=-1.3 + 0.0im
iter 2 err:0.005517924619612248 λ=-1.175478914232863 + 0.0im
iter 3 err:0.002478390282482615 λ=-1.237914206446667 + 0.0im
iter 4 err:0.0007175125397164684 λ=-1.2715354474842264 + 0.0im
iter 68 err:1.9815836266850424e-16 λ=-1.2845622481786096 + 0.0im
iter 69 err:1.2398848173585647e-16 λ=-1.28456224817861 + 0.0im
iter 70 err:8.341032972349128e-17 λ=-1.2845622481786103 + 0.0im

We will carry out some timing experiments, so let's use the BenchmarkTools-package and switch off printouts in the NEP-solver:

julia> using BenchmarkTools
julia> @btime (λ,x)=resinv(nep,λ=λ0,v=ones(n),tol=1e-16);
  8.170 ms (32457 allocations: 10.99 MiB)

The linear system that has to be solved in every iteration in resinv has a constant system matrix, and therefore a prefactorization (typically an LU-factorization) is useful. This is done with the FactorizeLinSolverCreator, which is actually the default behaviour, so we get no substantial difference when we specify a creator if the type FactorizeLinSolverCreator.

julia> creator=FactorizeLinSolverCreator();
julia> @btime (λ,x)=resinv(nep,λ=λ0,v=ones(n),maxit=100,linsolvercreator=creator,tol=1e-16);
  8.104 ms (32447 allocations: 10.98 MiB)

If we do not want to use a prefactorization, you can specify BackslashLinSolverCreator as your creator object.

julia> creator=BackslashLinSolverCreator();
julia> @btime (λ,x)=resinv(nep,λ=λ0,v=ones(n),maxit=100,linsolvercreator=creator,tol=1e-16);
  19.985 ms (36932 allocations: 22.31 MiB)

This does not use a prefactorization and is therefore slower.

The above approach corresponded to direct methods for linear systems. You can also use iterative methods, e.g., the GMRES-method. The GMRES-method is available in the GMRESLinSolverCreator function. Iterative methods in general need preconditioners. We continue the example and use a diagonal preconditioner:

julia> D0=(Diagonal(compute_Mder(nep,λ0))); # Preconditioner
julia> creator=GMRESLinSolverCreator(Pl=D0, tol=1e-2);

All the keyword arguments in the call GMRESLinSolverCreator are passed to gmres!. Hence, the tol here specifies a termination criteria for the GMRES-method, and Pl specifies the left preconditioner, in this case just a diagonal matrix.

julia> (λ,x)=resinv(nep,λ=λ0,v=ones(n),maxit=100,linsolvercreator=creator,logger=1,tol=1e-16);
Precomputing linsolver
iter 1 err:0.0066371687626530325 λ=-1.3 + 0.0im
iter 2 err:0.005516840431746622 λ=-1.175478914232863 + 0.0im
iter 3 err:0.002478456565315529 λ=-1.2379013065364441 + 0.0im
iter 4 err:0.0007137260829914206 λ=-1.271604846382212 + 0.0im
iter 69 err:1.4948517196633335e-16 λ=-1.2845622481786099 + 0.0im
iter 70 err:1.0136830543996086e-16 λ=-1.28456224817861 + 0.0im
iter 71 err:6.468407765141646e-17 λ=-1.2845622481786103 + 0.0im

The printout reveals that we need one more more iteration, than with a direct method. In terms of computation time, this approach can however still be competitive:

julia> @btime (λ,x)=resinv(nep,λ=λ0,v=ones(n),maxit=100,linsolvercreator=creator,tol=1e-16);
  10.912 ms (49183 allocations: 18.95 MiB)

Your own linear solver

There are many ways to solve linear systems in Julia, e.g., by using package such as KrylovKit.jl, Pardiso.jl or KrylovMethods.jl. These are not natively supported by NEP-PACK, but due to the extendability of the LinSolverCreator-objects specified above, you can still use them. We illustrate the extendability by creating a linear solver based on solving a Schur complement. The following helper-function for the Schur complement solve will be used later.

function schur_complement_lin_solve(AA,b,n0)
  S=D-C*(A\B); # Schur complement
  b1=b[1:n0]; b2=b[(n0+1):end];
  Ainvb1=A\b1; Sinvb2=S\b2;
  # Formula for the linear solve:
  return [x1;x2];

Julia's efficiency stems partially from the extensive use of types. We need to define new types to specify our own linear solver and integrate it with NEP-PACK.

struct MyLinSolverCreator <: LinSolverCreator; end
struct MyLinSolver <: LinSolver;

NEP-solvers call the function create_linsolver(creator,nep,λ), which should return a linear solver. We need to overload this function for our own creator-type. In general, this is to allow precomputation. However, in this example we do not have any precomputations and thus just return an instance of MyLinSolver.

import NonlinearEigenproblems.create_linsolver # Needed since we want overload it
function create_linsolver(::MyLinSolverCreator,nep,λ)
   return MyLinSolver(nep,λ);

The rest of the implementation of the solver goes into the function lin_solve, where we utilize our function schur_complement_lin_solve from above.

import NonlinearEigenproblems.LinSolvers.lin_solve # Needed since we want overload it
function lin_solve(solver::MyLinSolver,b::Vector;tol=eps())
   return schur_complement_lin_solve(compute_Mder(solver.mynep,solver.myλ),b,n0)

You can now solve the problem by passing a creator object MyLinSolverCreator() to a NEP-solver, e.g., augnewton:

julia> dep=nep_gallery("dep0",50);
julia> creator=MyLinSolverCreator();
julia> augnewton(dep,λ=1,v=ones(size(dep,1)),logger=1,linsolvercreator=creator);
iter 1 err:0.10615052208736536 λ=1.0 + 0.0im
iter 2 err:0.04682362994161844 λ=3.004830719411172 + 0.0im
iter 3 err:0.08148964717804698 λ=0.213140384062811 + 0.0im
iter 4 err:0.03955381142282053 λ=0.47667949368248896 + 0.0im
iter 5 err:0.06584371583464586 λ=2.985447356041631 + 0.0im
iter 6 err:0.02262384918568079 λ=3.722422057973499 + 0.0im
iter 7 err:0.0036373167693678717 λ=3.389502913018821 + 0.0im
iter 8 err:0.00704620404184537 λ=3.2745554693864496 + 0.0im
iter 9 err:0.0009450496517445758 λ=3.1652287152386758 + 0.0im
iter 10 err:2.138372017573122e-5 λ=3.187725547526568 + 0.0im
iter 11 err:1.0100960591678548e-8 λ=3.188230946035159 + 0.0im
iter 12 err:2.801564990446382e-15 λ=3.1882313460682705 + 0.0im

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