Tutorial 5 (Python 1)

Tutorial: Solving NEP defined in Python

A problem defined in Python

Julia is a great programming language, but your problem may not be easy to define in Julia code, e.g., for legacy reasons. Don't let that prevent you from using the package. We now show how a problem defined in Python can be solved with NEP-PACK.

One of the advantages of the Julia language is that it is reasonably easy to interface with code written in other languages. In this tutorial we work with Python, and the two following tutorials we interface MATLAB and fortran.


To work with NEPs defined in Python you need to have Python installed on your computer. With the package PyCall it is possible to let Julia control execution of Python code.

The following python code correspond to the NEP

\[M(λ)=\begin{bmatrix}1&2\newline3&4\end{bmatrix}+ λ\begin{bmatrix}0&0\newline0&1\end{bmatrix}+ e^λ\begin{bmatrix}1&1\newline1&1\end{bmatrix}\]

The code has two functions: one that can compute an evaluation of $M(λ)$ and one that can form a linear combination of derivatives

\[ \sum_{i=1}^kM^{(k)}(λ)x_i.\]

Put a file mynep.py in your current directory with the following contents:

import numpy as np;
import cmath as m;
def compute_M(s):
    """Compute the matrix M(s) for a given eigenvalue approximation"""
    A=np.matrix('1 2; 3 4');  B=np.matrix('0 0; 0 1');   C=np.matrix('1 1; 1 1');
    return M

def compute_Mlincomb(s,X):
    """Compute the linear combination of derivatives for value s"""
    A=np.matrix('1 2; 3 4');  B=np.matrix('0 0; 0 1');   C=np.matrix('1 1; 1 1');

    X=np.matrix(X) # Explicitly convert to matrix
    # Zeroth derivative

    # First derivative
    if (np.size(X,1)>1):
    # Higher derivatives
    if (np.size(X,1)>1):
        for k in range(2,np.size(X,1)):
    return z

Interfacing Python code

We first initiate PyCall as follows. Note that the pushfirst! command is needed, otherwise the module defined in the file mynep.py we gave above will not be found. (PyCall does not include the current directory in the module search path by default.)

using PyCall;
pushfirst!(PyVector(pyimport("sys")."path"), "");
mynep = pyimport("mynep")

This gives us direct access to the compute_M and compute_Mlincomb functions from python, e.g., if we want to evaluate $M(3+3i)$ we run this code

julia> mynep.compute_M(3+3im)
2×2 Array{Complex{Float64},2}:
 -18.8845+2.83447im  -17.8845+2.83447im
 -16.8845+2.83447im  -12.8845+5.83447im

Implementation in NEP-PACK (using Mder_Mlincomb_NEP)

We can now use the Python interface to define a NEP in Julia. The type Mder_Mlincomb_NEP is a special type made for this situation. The required inputs are the size, called n; a function to compute $M(λ)$, called fder; and a function to compute $\sum_{i=1}^kM^{(k)}(λ)x_i$, called flincomb. The extra 0 passed in the definition defines that $M(λ)$ is available, but no higher derivatives.

using NonlinearEigenproblems
fder = (λ,der) -> mynep.compute_M(complex(λ));
flincomb =  (λ,X) -> mynep.compute_Mlincomb(complex(λ),complex(reshape(X,size(X,1),size(X,2))));

We can compare the Python call with the NEP-PACK call

julia> compute_Mder(nep,3+3im)
2×2 Array{Complex{Float64},2}:
 -18.8845+2.83447im  -17.8845+2.83447im
 -16.8845+2.83447im  -12.8845+5.83447im

We continue by computing some eigenvalues of the the NEP using the Infinite Arnoldi method (iar).

julia> (λ,v)=iar(nep,v=[1;1],σ=1,logger=0,neigs=3);
julia> λ
3-element Array{Complex{Float64},1}:
  0.6748316143423988 + 7.336803319821954e-19im
 0.11742590291190791 - 3.649946317867008im    
 0.11742590291191168 + 3.6499463178670144im  

We can verify that we actually computed solutions as follows:

julia> norm(compute_Mlincomb(nep,λ[1],v[:,1]))

Implementation in NEP-PACK (using new type)

The previous implementation utilizes the convenience type Mder_Mlincomb_NEP, and solves the problem in a satisfactory way. Nevertheless, to illustrate more of the inner workings of NEP-PACK we solve the problem in a second way, by defining our own type. The first thing we need to do is to define the size-function, which is hard-coded in this example.

import NonlinearEigenproblems.size # We will overload these functions
import NonlinearEigenproblems.compute_Mlincomb;
import NonlinearEigenproblems.compute_Mder;
struct PyNEP <: NEP # Set up a dummy type for our specific NEP
size(::PyNEP) = (2,2) # Trivial function definitions
size(::PyNEP,::Int) = 2

As explained in NEPTypes, a NEP is defined by its compute functions. Here is how you define two compute functions that call our python-defined NEP:

function compute_Mder(::PyNEP,s::Number,der::Integer=0)
    if (der>0)
        error("Higher derivatives not implemented");
    return mynep.compute_M(complex(s)); # Call python
function compute_Mlincomb(::PyNEP,s::Number,X::AbstractVecOrMat)
    XX=complex(reshape(X,size(X,1),size(X,2))) # Turn into a matrix
    return mynep.compute_Mlincomb(complex(s),XX); # Call python

We now create an object of our newly created type and we can access the NEP with the NEP-PACK specific compute functions:

julia> pynep=PyNEP();
julia> compute_Mder(pynep,3+3im)
2×2 Array{Complex{Float64},2}:
 -18.8845+2.83447im  -17.8845+2.83447im
 -16.8845+2.83447im  -12.8845+5.83447im

The behavior is the same as above. Since a NEP-object is defined by its compute functions, we can now use many NEP-solvers to solve this problem. We again use iar:

julia> (λ2,v2)=iar(pynep,v=[1;1],σ=1,logger=0,neigs=3);
julia> λ2
3-element Array{Complex{Float64},1}:
  0.6748316143423988 + 7.336803319821954e-19im
 0.11742590291190791 - 3.649946317867008im    
 0.11742590291191168 + 3.6499463178670144im   

We can compare with the eigenvalues computed above and, again, verify that we actually computed solutions as follows:

julia> norm(compute_Mlincomb(pynep,λ2[1],v2[:,1]))

Residual is almost zero, so we have a solution.

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