Tutorial 6 (Python 2)

Tutorial: Using NEP-PACK from python


The previous tutorial illustrated how a NEP defined in python code can be solved with NEP-PACK. Python is currently a more mature language than Julia, and there are considerable packages and features in python not present in Julia. If you need these features, it may be more convenient to call NEP-PACK from python, rather than calling python code from julia.

The python package PyJulia gives us that possibility. The installation of PyJulia on Ubuntu linux is simple:

$ python3 -m pip install julia # Only necessary first time you run it
$ python3
>>> from julia.api import Julia
>>> jl = Julia(compiled_modules=False) # compilation flag necessary on ubuntu
>>> julia.install()               # Only necessary first time you run it
>>> from julia import Base
>>> Base.MathConstants.golden  # Julia's definition of golden ratio

Using PyJulia and NEP-PACK

The Mder_NEP-function provides a convenient way to define NEPs by only using a function that computes the matrix $M(λ)$ and its derivatives. Let us first define a function which does that in python. We consider the problem

\[M(λ)=\begin{bmatrix}3&2\newline3&-1\end{bmatrix}+ λ\begin{bmatrix}0&2\newline0&1\end{bmatrix}+ e^{0.5 λ}\begin{bmatrix}1&1\newline1&1\end{bmatrix}\]

and implement it with this python code:

import numpy as np;
import cmath as m;
def my_compute_M(s,der):
    """Compute the matrix M^{(k)}(s) for a given eigenvalue approximation and derivative k"""
    A=np.matrix('3 2; 3 -1');  B=np.matrix('0 2; 0 1');   C=np.matrix('1 1; 1 1');
    if (der==0):
    elif (der==1):
    return M

An evaluation of the matrix function can be done by the call:

>>> my_compute_M(0.3,0)
matrix([[4.16183424+0.j, 3.76183424+0.j],
        [4.16183424+0.j, 0.46183424+0.j]])

We instantiate a new NEP based with Mder_NEP which first must be imported

>>> from julia.NonlinearEigenproblems import Mder_NEP
>>> n=2; # Size of the problem
>>> nep=Mder_NEP(2,my_compute_M);

and we can apply most of our solvers to this problem by first importing the corresponding function, in this case we use contour_beyn.

>>> from julia.NonlinearEigenproblems import contour_beyn;
>>> sol=contour_beyn(nep,logger=1,neigs=1,radius=3)
Computing integrals
NonlinearEigenproblems.NEPSolver.MatrixTrapezoidal: computing G...
NonlinearEigenproblems.NEPSolver.MatrixTrapezoidal: summing terms........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Computing SVD prepare for eigenvalue extraction  p=1
Computing eigenvalues
Computing eigenvectors

We can verify that we computed a solution as follows

>>> s=sol[0][0]; v=sol[1]
>>> my_compute_M(s,0)*v
>>> from numpy.linalg import norm
>>> norm(my_compute_M(s,0)*v)

Note that in order to obtain better efficiency for large-scale problems, and reduce overhead, you may want to use Mder_Mlincomb_NEP, as described in the previous tutorial.

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