Tutorial 7 (MATLAB)

Tutorial: Solving NEP defined in MATLAB

A problem defined in MATLAB

MATLAB is the de-facto standard language for many tasks in scientific computing. If you have a NEP defined in MATLAB, you can quite easily use the NEP-solvers of this package. Below is a description of two ways to solve nonlinear eigenvalue problems defined in MATLAB. There is a cost in terms of efficiency to define your problem in MATLAB, due to overhead associated with communication between the MATLAB and Julia processes. Very large scale problems are recommended to be defined directly in Julia.


To work with NEPs defined in MATLAB you need to have MATLAB installed on your computer. We use the MATLAB interoperability package to link Julia execution with MATLAB execution.

Suppose you have the following NEP in MATLAB

\[M(\lambda)=A_0+\lambda A_1+\exp(\lambda A_2),\]

where $A_1,A_2,A_3$ are martices and $\exp$ the matrix exponential. The problem can be defined in MATLAB as follows. This is the contents of the file compute_derivative_k.m:

function Z=compute_derivative_k(s,k)
     A0=randn(n,n); A1=randn(n,n);
     if (k==0)
     if (k==1)

The function which computes derivative k evaluted in the point s. We assume in the following that the file compute_derivative_k.m is located in the current directory.

Approach 1: Implementation in NEP-PACK (using Mder_NEP)

The easiest way to create a NEP which is only defined by its derivative computation is by the helper type Mder_NEP.

using NonlinearEigenproblems, MATLAB
nep=Mder_NEP(10,(s,der) -> mat"compute_derivative_k($s,double($der))");

The NEP can now be approached with many of the methods in the package, e.g., with a contour integral method (contour_beyn):

julia> (λ,V)=contour_beyn(nep, radius=0.6, k=8);
julia> λ
2-element Array{Complex{Float64},1}:
 0.1711954796771912 - 6.401495587242332e-15im
 0.1547216302712358 - 0.16631220583083045im   

The first argument of the Mder_NEP instantiation is the size of the NEP. The instantiation of the Mder_NEP creates a NEP-object only defined by its matrix derivative functions, given in the call-back function specified by the second argument. In this case, the the function calls a MATLAB process (running in the background completely hidden from the Julia user) and requests a execution of compute_derivate_k with the given arguments. After executing the MATLAB-call, the MATLAB-process sends the matrix back to Julia. In other words, we have coupled the derivative computation of the NEP with a call to MATLAB. More precisely, every call to the compute_Mder function leads to a call to the created MATLAB function. Compare:

julia> compute_Mder(nep,0.1+0.2im)
10×10 Array{Complex{Float64},2}:
   2.15543-0.101289im     -1.4933-0.0817057im  …    0.220658-0.313894im    0.371533+0.544535im
  0.751339+0.213974im    0.532557+0.359256im         0.58971-0.135805im    -2.65352-0.308557im
 -0.177809-0.383021im     1.46944+0.374974im        0.965219+0.140168im    0.979515-0.603281im
  0.204312-0.300014im   -0.576669+0.630099im         1.94032+0.43922im    -0.803364+0.652243im
 -0.378807+0.511258im    0.590185+0.0812181im      -0.381726-0.138047im     1.30005+0.562022im
   1.58041-0.266624im   -0.347895+0.292268im   …  -0.0826327+0.155039im   -0.691359+0.340299im
  0.105255+0.0940046im  -0.338352-0.443379im        0.546516-0.062307im    0.445814-0.648929im
   1.47467-0.646341im    -1.36607-0.195403im         1.02226-0.0228401im    1.14153+0.576545im
  0.182295-0.143594im    -1.06099+0.492347im        -0.41297-0.409332im   -0.322912-0.219094im
  0.658504-0.190844im     1.21896+0.280606im       -0.563413-0.073228im     1.25092-0.418521im

with the MATLAB call:

>> M=compute_derivative_k(0.1+0.2i,0);
>> M(1:3,1:3) % I don't want to see the whole matrix
ans =
   2.1554 - 0.1013i  -1.4933 - 0.0817i   0.1131 + 0.0836i
   0.7513 + 0.2140i   0.5326 + 0.3593i  -1.0211 - 0.5134i
  -0.1778 - 0.3830i   1.4694 + 0.3750i   0.2180 + 0.1720i

You can verify that the output of the call to the contour_beyn-method is a solution directly in MATLAB:

>> s = 0.1547216302712358 - 0.16631220583083045i; % copied from the output above (remember: 1im -> 1i)
>> M=compute_derivative_k(s,0);
>> min(svd(M)) % Matrix is singular if s is a solution
ans =

NEP-objects in NEP-PACK are defined from compute-functions (as we describe in NEPTypes) and in this case we only defined the derivative computation function compute_Mder. Note that the Mder_NEP-type provides default implementations of compute_Mlincomb as well as compute_MM (by wrapping calls to compute_Mder) in a way that is hidden from the user, such that we can still use algorithms based on those compute functions. More efficiency can be obtained if these compute functions are also implemented, e.g., by a different MATLAB-function.

Approach 2: Implementation in NEP-PACK (using new type)

We illustrate the extendability of the package by defining our own type, which again uses the MATLAB-package in the background.


The process is also described in the BEM tutorial.

The size is hardcoded in this example, so we can define a new type of the specific size:

Base.size(nep::MATLABNEP) = (10,10)
Base.size(nep::MATLABNEP,::Int) = 10

Initiate the MATLAB package and prepare to integrate with NEP-PACK:

using MATLAB; # requires MATLAB to be installed
mat"addpath('.')" # Add path to your m-file
import NonlinearEigenproblems.compute_Mder;
import NonlinearEigenproblems.compute_Mlincomb;
import NonlinearEigenproblems.compute_Mlincomb_from_Mder;

In this example, the problem is only provided by a function to compute derivatives of M, which we specify by defining a compute_Mder function. We also specify that linear combinations of derivatives should be computed by calling compute_Mder in the naive way:

function compute_Mder(::MATLABNEP,s::Number,der::Integer=0)
    return mat"compute_derivative_k(double($s),double($der))"
compute_Mlincomb(nep::MATLABNEP,λ::Number,V::AbstractVecOrMat, a::Vector) = compute_Mlincomb_from_Mder(nep,λ,V,a)
compute_Mlincomb(nep::MATLABNEP,λ::Number,V::AbstractVecOrMat) = compute_Mlincomb(nep,λ,V, ones(eltype(V),size(V,2)))

Now you can instantiate the NEP and use your favorite NEP-solver, in this case we use newtonqr.

julia> nep=MATLABNEP();
julia> (λ,v)=newtonqr(nep,λ=-3,logger=1,maxit=30,v=ones(10));
iter 1 err:1.033593309412195 λ=-3.0 + 0.0im
iter 2 err:0.3059246224011592 λ=0.83641207310996 + 0.0im
iter 3 err:0.6000405834026614 λ=-1.7728647881500432 + 0.0im
iter 4 err:0.07375061614602237 λ=-0.7800560594951582 + 0.0im
iter 5 err:0.0093516562758152 λ=-0.8707521093182906 + 0.0im
iter 6 err:8.954564848847882e-5 λ=-0.8840785307305598 + 0.0im
iter 7 err:7.446596609664408e-9 λ=-0.88420751056806 + 0.0im
iter 8 err:1.0942739518352825e-15 λ=-0.884207521294992 + 0.0im

The residual is small and we have a solution

julia> using LinearAlgebra
julia> norm(compute_Mlincomb(nep,λ,v))/norm(v)

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